Did you know the holocaust started in 1938 and ended in 1945. Hitler lived in Austria Adolf Hitlers dad went to the pub after work. His dad died of a serious sickness. Adolf wanted to be an artist. But the people running the art school are Jews. Then Hitler traded sides to the Germany . There most valued weapon is gas and Hitler almost went blind. Then France beat Germany and made them sigh a peace thready in a railroad car. Hitler was not happy so he went to the pub. Then he said the government caused them to lose the war. Then Hitler had the Nazi party. Then he made a flag. The flag was had a swastika symbol on it. Then Hitler became president of Germany. Then he said blond hair and blue eyes. Then it was the summer Olympias 1936. Jessie Owens won several events. Hitler wouldn’t even show his face after that. Then he put people in concentration camps. Then Germany started ww2 they beat France then they embarrassed then just like they did to then. They didn’t get a lot of food or that much water. Then they killed them in a gas chamber. Before that they took all the metal and gold then they killed you then they burned you. On Christmas eve the allies experience the first ever attack by sixteen Germany me-262 and they attacked rail yards in attempt to set up the ability to help their self.